calling all
BMD and Census records - England/Wales and Worldwide Adamthwaite Births, Marriages and Deaths and transcriptions of census entries relating to Adamthwaite households
1939 Register - this collection (available on Find My Past) provides detailed information of all civilians living in Great Britain and Northern Ireland on 29th September 1939.
Other records - a collection of mentions of Adamthwaites in a range of other records, including Apprenticeship records, Trade Directories, Hearth Tax records, Tithe Records, Newspaper references, etc, etc.
Migration Data - we know that the Adamthwaite surname has spread far and wide around the world from its early beginnings in Ravenstonedale. The data spreadsheets and maps in this section aim to explain when and how the made their journeys - either within the British Isles or overseas
Useful Websites - this is my own list of sites that have proved useful when researching Adamthwaites - I would welcome contributions of other useful websites (particularly FREE ones!)
Information relating to Adamthwaite births, marriages and deaths has been collected from a variety of sources: Parish Records, General Register Office indexes, birth, marriage and death certificates, census information, passenger records, distribution data, historical directories, press reports and details gleaned from wills and other written documents.
Such information is invaluable in 'placing' individuals in a specific time and place, and can often extend the usefulness of the basic Genealogical building materials of Birth, Marriage, Death and Census records.
All the information is displayed on spreadsheets which you will need to search (using the tools on your Adobe browser) or scroll through to locate individuals in your own Adamthwaite ancestry.
If you have not already read the section which describes the colour coding system used on this website, you are advised to do so now, as it is used extensively in all the spreadsheets.
Notes on viewing the data spreadsheets
All the spreadsheets are presented as .pdf files, which will open with Adobe Reader (you can download a free copy of the latest version of Adobe Reader by clicking on the link on the Welcome page.
When you click on the relevant link, each file will open in a new window, and you will probably be asked if you wish to open or save the file, depending on your computer's security settings. Select 'open'.
As the information is regularly updated, we do NOT recommend that you save the files, as the details will quickly become out of date. And certainly don't try to print them out as most run to a great number of pages!
Most of the tables are very wide, so each spreadsheet has been saved in landscape format to fit more easily on your computer screen, and in order that the text is legible, you will need to use the magnification tool on your Reader toolbar to increase the size of the image to at least 100%, then scroll to the right and down to view the complete range of information on each table.
You can use the 'search' facility of your Adobe reader to locate individuals/places etc. which appear in each spreadsheet.
HINT: If you know the maiden surname of either the mother or the wife of the person you are searching for ... try entering this in the Adobe Reader search box, as this will result in fewer hits than if you enter 'William' for example!
23 feb 2022

contact details
adamthwaite @
read our stories
Adamthwaite Archive
"The website IS the one-name study!"

Resource Data
NB This whole section is proving VERY fiddly to update as the new software will not accept spreadsheets in the format they were held in! I will make it a priority to get this problem resolved asap